South of Barcombe Mills
Approximately one and a half miles north of Lewes, fishing on the west bank of Hamsey Cut from a point next to the stile half way along the field north of Hamsey Place Farm.

Also on Hamsey Island at Hamsey weir, and south of the bridge onto Hamsey Island, including a small length of bank on the main river from the southern end of Hamsey Cut.
Signs mark the limits of fishing available to permit holders.
The Society has two car parks in this area, both shown on the information pack supplied with your permit and both accessible through combination padlocked gates The combination is shown on your permit.
A current car parking sticker must be displayed on parked vehicles at all times.
NB. DANGER!!! Electricity pylons cross the river towards the southern end of Hamsey Cut.

The west bank of the tidal river north from Hamsey to Barcombe Mills at the Barcombe Mills Road Bridge.
Fishing on all of the west bank of the river, continuing from the upstream end of the west bank of the Hamsey Cut to the road bridge at Barcombe Mills.
The Society has three car parking locations in this area, all shown on the information pack supplied with your permit.
A current car parking sticker must be displayed on parked vehicles at all times.
NB. DANGER!!! Electricity poles cross the river at Culver Farm.